Yoshie Hanabatake 花畑よしえ
The perverted mother of Yoshiko Hanabatake, who desperately wants Yoshiko to be normal or find a husband so Yoshie can retire. She is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and can tell a woman's intentions by looking at her panties.
Yoshie is not an idiotic person like Yoshiko as Yoshie wishes for Yoshiko to be a normal person. She is shown to be rather devious schemer, as she longs to be free of her idiot daughter and retire happily. To do this, she hopelessly tries to set Yoshiko up with Akuru, who wants absolutely nothing to do with her in the future. She is willing to stoop to deprave methods to assure this, such as trying to find ways to get Yoshiko to "seal the deal" with Akuru to ensure he'll marry her in the future once he gets a well-paying job. The extent of her immorality is best shown when she encouraged her daughter to drug Akuru and then "seal the deal" with him after leaving him vulnerable, showing just how far her depravity goes.
Like her daughter, she is rather dirty-minded.