Computer Kenkyuukai Buchou コンピュータ研究会部長
He is the President of the Computer Research Society Club, which shares a room adjacent to the SOS Brigade. The President is never given a name other than "Computer Society President" or variations upon that term.
He and his club had the misfortune of being targeted by Haruhi Suzumiya's blackmail, being forced to give away their best computer and wire the Brigade's clubroom for an internet connection. He hasn't yet forgiven this, and frequently checks the SOS Brigade website to see if they are putting the computer to use (which they haven't), making him the primary cause of their hit counter's steady rise. He has a passion for computers (duh) and along with the other four members of the Computer Society, helped developed their own basic science-fiction strategy game titled The Day of Sagittarius III (there is no Day of Sagittarius I or II, they just thought the III would sound cool). It is hinted he is one of Yuki Nagato's secret admirers.