Zed O'Brien ツェッド・オブライエン
A stern merman with similar powers to Zapp, as they were both taught by the same master. Joins Libra after being abandoned in Hellsalem's Lot. A stark contrast to Zapp, Zed is a decidedly serious individual who has little patience for nonsense, particularly those of his fellow disciple.
As a merman, he has yellow eyes, blue skin with black markings adorning his head & wrist-blades that extend backwards like fins. He wears a black, sleeveless muscle-shirt, finger-less gloves & green cargo pants with metal sneakers. There is also a water breathing apparatus around his neck with a very sleek design, making them look like headphones.
He is also usually quiet and easy to get along with, going with the flow of events and tries to be agreeable. He is very well read, often seen reading books in his spare time due to the fact that in the past his creator, an unknown count, talked with him a lot about poetry and music, art and science, philosophy, astronomy etc. In addition, he feels a strong sense of loneliness as he is the only one of his kind, since he is a heteromorph who is half fish half human and is therefore not human but also not a creature from Hellsalem’s lot and as a result is rejected by both species.