Ran Mitake 美竹蘭
Height 157 cm (5'2")
Instrument Gibson Les Paul Custom Chambered Blackout Stallion Red Guitar
A student at Haneoka Girls' High School and the main vocalist and rhythm guitarist of Afterglow. She is the only child of the masters of a flower arrangement school that dates back to over 100 years ago. Ran is strong-willed, hates losing, and treasures her friends and family deeply. Despite this, she founded Afterglow with her childhood friends as an attempt to rebel against her father, who wants her to inherit the school. She considers Yukina Minato somewhat of a rival.
Ran has an aloof nature, which hides her loneliness from other people. Deep down, she wishes to become closer to others, but can be socially awkward and has a tendency to trip over her words. She can be easily flustered and is somewhat hot-blooded. She keeps her problems to herself and brushes off others' attempts to help, but while she may appear cold or detached, the warmer side to her is best seen in her quiet fondness towards her friends, primarily the other members of Afterglow. Ran observes the other members while remaining unobtrusive and cares for them greatly; she often asks about their well-being or laughs at their jokes, albeit subtly.
She has a tendency of saying "same as always" (itsumodoori), which usually means the band has done their best. She also has a habit of leaving others "on read", only reading text messages sent to her without replying to them.
(Source: BanG Dream Wikia, edited)
Same Voice Actors