Maki Oze 尾瀬茉希
Height 167 cm (5'6")
Affiliation Special Fire Force Company 8
Rank First Class Fire Soldier
A former member of the military, she is an excellent fighter who controls fire. She's a cool lady but is mad about love stories, and her beauty is overshadowed by her "head full of flowers and wedding bells". She's friendly but goes berserk when anyone comments on her muscles. Apparently, she used to be slender.
Maki possesses Second Generation abilities, having adapted to Spontaneous Human Combustion by becoming able to control flames from a long distance. In doing so, she can handle herself against two Third Generations simultaneously, being able to extinguish and absorb their generated flames into a giant fireball. Maki's abilities provide defense for her entire team, as she can reflect incoming fire attacks and use an opponent's flames against them. While she is unable to deflect or redirect a fire with too much driving force, she is still able to alter its shape in order to reduce its impact.
(Source: Kodansha USA)