Asahi Ouka 桜花あさひ
Asahi is a classmate of Mahiro in middle school. She befriends Mahiro, and the two become quite close to one another. Asahi talks with a pronounced Osaka accent. In the English language, such characters are usually given a heavy southern accent, similar to a southern, country girl drawl so reminiscent of a southern belle/dixie chick. She pronounces Mahiro's name as "Maa-high-row".
She loves to hug people, especially her friends. Mahiro tells herself that Asahi always smells like the fresh, clean, morning sun! She likes to talk about sports, and is very good at girl's track and field.
Asahi also has the curious conversational habit of always referring to herself in the third person, as if she is always on the outside looking in at herself. She is also not the least bit afraid or bothered by offering her thoughts and/or opinions in a rather unvarnished, unfiltered, and 'off the cuff' fashion. She often speaks up before knowing what the true situation is, or will make a comment that is taken the wrong way, wherein she has to backpedal what she said.
Asahi is rarely embarrassed about anything but does have some sense of how she affects her friends, whether for the better or worse.