Miu Iruma 入間未兎
Height 173cm / 5'8"
Talent Ultimate Inventor
Centered around the theme of “how can you have such a relaxed lifestyle that it’s like you’re asleep?”, she’s an inventor who creates groundbreaking inventions. She’s made things like the “eyedrop contacts” - which blasted her career through the roof - but she’s also an eccentric who treats her failed projects with the idea that “I transferred the rights to the company, so it’s got nothing to do with me.”Miu is described as an oddball, having an overly confident, loud personality and a frighteningly sharp tongue. She considers herself a beautiful genius, and every time she opens her mouth she spews a parade of reckless vulgar remarks and insults, strongly putting pressure on others and looking down on them. In the original Japanese, she even uses the Japanese word "ore-sama" to refer herself, which is considered very arrogant and more traditionally masculine. She also tends to give other characters insulting nicknames.
However, Miu's arrogant personality seems to be only a mask that can drop fairly easily. This often happens when her festival of coarse language and dirty jokes actually get replied to or ignored. Then, her personality quickly changes into a timid weakling, who is terrified of other people being angry with her. Because of this, she has a charm similar to an innocent child.
As an inventor, Miu is skilled but also an eccentric who treats her failed projects with the idea that "I transferred the rights to the company, so it's got nothing to do with me". She has made all kinds of amazing conveniences both inside and outside of the Killing Game, but only deems her inventions as a success when they help the user to perform a task while sleeping (it's possible this is because she suffered from a coma in the past). She also has a habit to make very bizarre, seemingly pointless inventions which are sometimes very sexual in nature, including a "Hookup Counter" which tells how many people you've had sexual intercourse with, an "Auto-Puncher that Punches You for Telling Terrible Dirty Jokes", and a "Goin' Commando Gun" which can teleport underwear and only underwear. Even seemingly innocent inventions such as Electrohammers and Electrobombs can have dirty innuendos, as in the Japanese version the word "elect" can also be read as "erect".Miu has a very cowardly and self-centered personality, immediately looking for excuses to be absent from the Class Trial after being reminded that she would be executed with everyone else if they reach the wrong conclusion. Also, despite her amazing inventive genius, she is rather dumb when it comes to other matters, being usually ignored by the other characters during the trials. During investigations and trials, she generally spouts out whatever theories come to her mind at the moment without thinking them through, and she can make rather unwise decisions and actions. Because of this, Himiko has described her as "really smart, but also really, really dumb". She is generally not liked in the group, and according to Kokichi, she is the least well-liked student after him. During her trial, many students admitted that they probably wouldn't have been friends with her even if they had met outside the Killing Game.
Despite her timid personality, she genuinely believed her bragging, thinking she can change the world with her inventions and that she is truly important to humanity.
(Source: VNDB)