Rantarou Amami 天海蘭太郎
Height 179cm (5'10")
Talent Ultimate ???
A student in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and a participant of the Killing School Semester featured in _Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony_. He doesn't remember his talent at the beginning of the Killing Game, so his title is the Ultimate ???.
Rantarou is a carefree and relaxed individual who comes across as rather mysterious. He is very patient and not bothered by much, always staying calm and collected. Even though he cannot remember his talent, he doesn't seem worried about it; instead he simply says that he looks forward to finding out what it is. He is usually seen smiling and describes himself as "not a suspicious guy". His speech is characterized by being very friendly and colloquial, using the "~っす/-ssu" copula in his sentences. Despite his appearance and manner of speech, he has cold, excellent insight, and is both determined and brave. He even has downright frightening expressions when he gets very serious.