Angie Yonaga 夜長アンジー
Height 157cm (5'1")
Talent Ultimate Artist
A student in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and a participant of the Killing School Semester featured in _Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony_. Her title is the Ultimate Artist (超高校級の「美術部」 lit. Super High School Level Art Club Member).
Angie is a very spiritual person, believing that Atua is always at her side. She has a pious heart and likes praying, having a very strong faith in her god, and she is very willing to help the others with spiritual matters. She often searches for things to offer such as blood sacrifices and even asks other students to offer her some. She also has a habit of speaking on behalf of Atua and strangely these words can sometimes turn out to be very truthful. Angie is a positive but quite a strange person who does things her own way. She is notably energetic and cheerful, almost always having an excited and wide smile, even when everyone else is serious. Due to her strong faith in Atua, she is unusually calm and unfazed, to the point of appearing unnaturally cheerful and out of touch with reality. She isn't even afraid of death as she believes that Atua would welcome her in the afterlife and for similar reasons tells the others not to worry about dying.
(Source: Danganronpa Wiki, edited)