Ribbon リボン
The secondary main protagonist of "Hirake! Cocotama", she is an Pink Rabbit Cocotama born from Haruka's cherry blossom ribbon when she was a child and is referred as the "Ribbon Goddess". Happy go lucky and yet also kind and energetic, she embodies some of Haruka's personalities and resourcefulness, yet she is not that smart. She is also very caring regarding her human partner, and always supports her in everything they do. Unlike any other Cocotamas, her Hiding Egg takes the form of the Key of Wonders after she met Haruka for the first time, and has no means of hiding herself. But Haruka made her a compact that allows her to hide from humans when Haruka is going out. Her magic revolves around smiles, yet not as precise as she wanted it to be. Her full title is "Nico Nico no Sakura Ribbon no Mikoto"
Same Voice Actors