Rena レナ
“_I cannot bear to watch others come to harm when I have the power to help._”
— Lena, to Marth
Lena (Japanese: レナ _Rena_) is a Macedonian cleric and noblewoman, and the sister of Matthis](). Born into one of Macedon's most powerful noble families, her mother was herself a cleric in the service of Grust's royal court. Lena spent most of her life in Grust following her mother's death, where she traveled the further reaches to heal those in need there; during this time, she often worked with [Camus]() of the Sable Order and came to respect him. Following the ascension of [Michalis to the throne of Macedon, Lena was summoned back to the country and was arranged to be married to Michalis; Lena refused, and fled Macedon to travel around Archanea.[2] The reference to Michalis's proposal was omitted in the DS remake.
In her travels, she came to Pales some time after its fall to Dolhr in the War of Shadows, and worked with Rickard]() to steal from the Dolhr-occupied palace to aid the people of Archanea. Afterward, after a short stop at Galder Harbor, she attempted to travel to the Samsooth Mountains to aid the suffering residents there, but was captured by the Soothsires, the bandits dominating the mountain range; she was released from captivity by [Julian, a Soothsire who had a change of heart and quit upon meeting her, and the two fled the Soothsires to join Marth's passing army. At the conclusion of the war, she settled down in Macedon with Julian to care for orphans at an convent, but during [Rucke]()'s uprising in the early days of the War of Heroes, she mysteriously disappeared, prompting Julian to travel with Marth to search for her.
(Source: Fire Emblem Wiki)
Same Voice Actors