Yuuka Kazami 風見幽香
Yuuka Kazami is a long-lived youkai called the "Flower Master of the Four Seasons" whose main place of activity is the Garden of the Sun, a field completely covered in sunflowers. Yuuka is a caretaker of flowers of all seasons, likened to a force of nature holding tremendous power. She is presumed to be very old given her demeanor and knowledge of the causes behind the Great Barrier Incident of Sixty Years. Contrary to her politeness and warm smile, she holds strength in high regard and likes to look down on and toy with those weaker than her. She first appeared as the fifth and sixth stage boss of "Lotus Land Story" and is one of the few characters introduced in the PC-98 games to make a proper appearance after the Touhou Project's transition to Windows.
(Source: Touhou Wiki)