Lavie ラヴィ
**Unit:** LiGHTs
Able to do any sport, she is a child prodigy with all the makings of a witch. Her country of origin is Marlseillu.
She has a lot of self-confidence, and is the self-proclaimed "special class ace". She has a naïve personality but is horrendously bad at studying making her always at the bottom of the class in tests. She grew up in a fairly normal home, admiring the leader of the legendary unit "Ray", Eliza, making her come to Flora Girls' Academy. She is in the cheerleading club where her dancing skills are top class within the academy.
She belongs to the unit LiGHTs, of which her fellow member Ashley is her roommate. She claims that "Ashley and I are best friends!", but since their personalities are the exact opposite of each other, they often argue. She is in charge of creating the choreography for LiGHTs, and is good at teaching it to others.
(Source: Lapis Re:Lights Wiki)
Same Voice Actors