Crimson Moon 朱い月, 朱い月のブリュンスタッド, 月のアルテミット・ワン, タイプ・ムーン
Brunestud of the Crimson Moon, also called Crimson Moon, is the Ultimate One of the Moon and the Third of the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors.
He was the first Ultimate One to answer the call of Gaia, and in exchange for the creation of a self-defense mechanism in his image, was allowed to live on Earth. From this pact, the True Ancestors were born, a Counter Force with a definite form, created for the purpose of returning the planet to its original state. As a result, he is the root of all True Ancestors, and by extension, Dead Apostles. He planned to take over Earth on his own, challenging and defeating those that interested him. But his status as an outsider that does not obey the will of Gaia or Alaya, made him gather too many enemies and he realized that his lifespan was growing limited as a result. To circumvent this, he used his Reality Marble to implant pieces of his consciousness into the True Ancestors and their spawn, so that those with power and purity on his scale would become his vessels and inherit his title of Brunestud - these are his "children", Altrouge and Arcueid. However, before he could possess a suitable vessel, he was killed by Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg in single combat.
In a distant future, Crimson Moon would appear as one of the final bosses during the Ultimate Ones' Invasion of the Earth, after the planet sends its final wish to wipe out all life that still resides on its corpse.