Artemis アルテミス
Artemis is a pure virgin goddess that would unfailingly shoot through those who sought to attain the magical power that pulls the tides and causes them to rise, the link to the moon's movements, and simultaneously granting these infidels death and disease. She is one of many goddesses whose power is derived from the Earth Mother.
As the "Goddess of the Hunt", Artemis was the divine protector of Atalanta, and granted her the bow Tauropolos, named for one of Artemis' epithets. She lent her power to the Noble Phantasm Phoebus Catastrophe along with Apollo. She taught the skill of hunting to Chiron as one of his many lessons from the gods.
In Fate/Grand Order
In Fate/Grand Order Okeanos
In Fate/Grand Order Solomon
In Fate/Grand Order Cosmos in the Lostbelt