The female protagonist and next door neighbor to the main male protagonist, Tsutsumi, who had just moved into his aunt's house. SpoilerNagisa initially has a bad impression of him after witnessing his childish and cowardly behavior, but after seeing how depressed and worried he was over his failures in Tokyo, she encourages him by saying that, "A star that does not shine in Tokyo, surely does shine in a different town." After that moment Tsutsumi was instantly motivated to get close to her and she changes her opinion of him the next day after his honest introduction in class. They become good friends from then on but after he confesses his feelings for her and her responding by saying she has no feelings for him, things become awkward between them. Tsutsumi's interaction with a girl interested in him and the return of Nagisa's first love further complicate their relationship. However, Nagisa soon realizes she has developed feelings for Tsutsumi after seeing how much he loves her and they begin to date. Though they plan a future together, he is forced to drop all his plans after his father's accident, and leaves Nagisa behind in order to work in Tokyo. Six years pass by without contact between them until Tsutsumi returns to town and asks Nagisa to wait one more year for him, to which she agrees. Nagisa dislikes people who runaway from their problems since after her father had passed away a year prior to the start of the story and her mother busy with work most of the time, she is left with the responsibility of taking care of her little brother and sister. She even had to give up playing one of her great loves, basketball. When her mother ended up hospitalized, she made the decision to quit her dream of becoming a nurse and planned on working right after graduation in order to lessen the burden on her mother. Not wanting her child to continually give up her hopes and dreams, her mother convinces Nagisa to go to nursing school. Six years later, Nagisa is shown to have achieved her dream and is working as a nurse at her old high school.