Yancham ヤンチャム
Yancham is a bipedal, mammalian Pokémon that resembles a young panda. Its head and short, puffy tail are white. It has a triangular black nose, rounded black ears, black circles around its eyes, and tufts of fur on top of its head and on each cheek. Its upper body and hind feet are black, while the lower body is a dark gray. Where the two colors meet the dark gray forms a three-pointed pattern on its chest. There are three digits on each paw and small, dark brown circular pads on the soles of its black hind paws. Yancham carries a small, green leaf in its mouth. There is no actual purpose behind this leaf, aside from an attempt to look cool.
Yancham looks up to Goronda as a leader and tries to emulate its behavior in an effort to learn how to battle and hunt for its prey. If Yancham makes a big mistake, Goronda will take away its leaf. It tries to make itself look serious to its foes, but its glare is not intimidating enough, and if it is distracted, it ends up grinning. Despite its attempts to look frightening, it cannot help grinning if patted on the head.
(Source: Bulbapedia)