Haruko Kashiwagi 柏木晴子
Height 171 cm (5' 7")
Nationality Japanese
Affiliation Hakuryo Hiiragi Class 3-B, United Nations Army Flight 207A & Special Task Force A-01
Rank Second Lieutenant
TSF Type-97 Fubuki, Type-94 Shiranui
One of Takeru's classmates in 3-B. Point guard on Hakuryo's basketball team, she's been recommended for college sports after she graduates. Haruko's tomboyish appearance, cheerful and easygoing personality make her popular among her classmates, both men and women. Haruko and Takeru are good friends and the two meet outside of school, though she's not as close to him as she might like to be.
She is also the eldest daughter of the Kashiwagi family, with two younger brothers that she loves to tease. She is very caring of those two, and much of what she does is directly for or with those two in mind.
In Alternative, Haruko is one of Isumi's Valkyries. She graduated training school along with Akane and others in Flight 207A, and has had a sisterly relationship with her since then. That easygoing personality helps Takeru get used to life in A-01, but she has a much more composed side always assessing things with a calm demeanor while on duty, almost seems detached from the situation.