Kakeru Satsuki 皐月 駆
Occupation: Student, Waiter Eye Colour: Blue (Left Eye) and Yellow (Right Eye) Hair Colour: Navy Blue Relations: Kukuri (Older Sister - Deceased) Power: The Eye of Aeon, Visions of the Future Likes: Minase Yuka Kakeru is a young student who was born blind in his right eye, therefore wearing an eyepatch to avoid the stares of others as it also a different color. Aside from his best friend, Minase Yuka, Kakeru closed off his heart due to his traumatic background, which included being raised in an orphanage and having his sister commit suicide. Kakeru and Yuka both went to the same orphanage as children. Kakeru also has a job at a cafe. 11eyes OVA: [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Kakeru is first shown wanting to protect his best friend Yuka. However when he and Yuka are transported to the Red Night, he is incapable of doing so, thus when Kakeru meets Misuzu, he asks her to train him. One day when Kakeru is about to fight with Misuzu, his right eye begins to hurt and he sees Misuzu attempting to attack Yuka. However when Kakeru moves to intercept, he sees that no-one had moved. Misuzu is shown to have originally planned to attack Yuka. Later on during a fight with Ira, Kakeru awakens his power thanks to Misuzu's teachings. As Ira is about to attack, Kakeru's right eye opens and shows him Ira's movement. Kakeru then dodges Ira with ease and realizing his power was the ability to see the future, easily defeats Ira by slicing him in half. Afterwards, Misuzu offers Kakeru to drink her blood saying that he would gain the power of the Kusakabe Clan if he did so, which he does. Kakeru's abilities are then shown to have dramatically increased as a result of this, to the point of being able to compete with Misuzu. Kakeru's right eye was called the 'Eye of Aeon', and was formerly owned by the King of Doresvenia, Verard. The Eye of Aeon was difficult to control (as shown by the pain caused to Kakeru when used) so it was also known as the Evil Eye. Later on, Shiori reveals that Liselotte planned to use Kakeru's Eye of Aeon to initiate the HellFall and destroy the world. Shiori also reveals that the Holy Office of the Index believed that Verard would awaken inside the Eye of Aeon, take over his body and attempt to release Liselotte, and that is why the Black Knights wanted to kill him. When Kakeru and Misuzu are separated from everyone else in the normal world, Kakeru asks if there was anyway for them to defeat Liselotte. Misuzu says there was one way, however it was for two people with Kusakabe blood to be bound together through sex. Misuzu then walks up to Kakeru saying she knows how much he cares for Yuka, but he should think of this as a way of getting stronger to save her. Misuzu then kisses Kakeru saying that before she dies, she wants the one she loves to make her a woman revealing that she loves Kakeru. Misuzu and Kakeru are shown to have sex, with Kakeru thinking it was ceremony and he hadn't betrayed Yuka. Afterwards, Yuka is shown to be OK when she walks out of a crack that appears between the real world and the Red Night. The crack then disappears as Yuka says she loves Kakeru and opens her arms to hug him. However as Kakeru walks over to her, Yuka stabs him clean through the chest with a sword as she is revealed to be possessed by Liselotte. Liselotte then pushes the sword further into Kakeru's chest, killing him. During episode 12 however, the episode begins at the beginning of the previous episode with Liselotte just about to attack Yuka. However this time, Kakeru see's the future with his Eye but instead of a small vision, he see's the events of the entire 11th episode. Realizing what would happen if he went to protect Yuka, Kakeru stops and Shiori begins to attack Liselotte instead. Liselotte then appears in front of Kakeru and asks him if he still wants to fight even though shes immortal. Kakeru replies that he knew she needed his right eye to initiate the HellFall and that the only way to save everyone was to kill himself. Kakeru then takes Misuzu's sword and stabs himself through the neck to everyones shock and Yuka's despair. Instead of dying however, Kakeru is shown remembering his past and realizing that Yuka had always been there of him. He then wakes up to find Misuzu next to him where she calls Kakeru a fool for trying to kill himself. He then says that he needs to stay alive so he can repay Yuka for everything she'd done for him, saying that he'd repay her by defeating Liselotte. When talking with Abraxus (in the form of Kukuri) Kakeru is revealed to have been killed by her. Abraxus explains that Kukuri knew about the HellFall, and that her plan was to kill her brother who had the Eye of Aeon, and then kill herself. Shiori then explains that although Abraxus did kill Kakeru, it wasn't the Kakeru who had the Eye of Aeon, as the one who had the Eye existed in Yuka's world, and not Kukuri's. Shiori then says that she believed Kakeru used to live in the world with the Abraxus Kukuri, however Yuka unconsiously used her power and brought him to her world. When fighting with Liselotte in the final battle, Superbia explains that because Shiori was able to travel between time and space, that if Kakeru combined the Eye of Aeon's power along with the fragment left behind from her death, they may be able to force Liselotte into a space-time rift. When Liselotte prepares to attack Kakeru, a voice comes out telling her to stop which causes Liselotte to stop in shock, saying the voice belongs to Verard. Verard says that he was wrong to want to destroy the world, and that people do care, saying that Kakeru had taught him that. However Liselotte keeps attacking. As Misuzu and Misao launch another attack at Liselotte, she dodges it easily saying it was useless. However Kakeru had seen her dodge in a vision, and appeared behind her. He then holds out Shiori's crystal, and activates it, sucking her into the dimension; however as Liselotte is about to attack Kakeru and escape, Avaritia appears from behind and grabs her; both are sucked into the other dimension. Kakeru's relationships with the other characters in 11eyes varies. He is very close to Yuka, with their relationship bordering on intimate. He shares a close friendship with Misuzu, shown by the change in which they address each other. With Yukiko, Takahsia and Shiori, Kakeru is good friends with them and with Kukuri, he is skeptical because of her similarity to his sister.Spoiler
In the 11eyes OVA, Kakeru is revealed to not be very knowledgeable regarding sex; shown when everyone but Kakeru knows the item that Misuzu's sword had transformed into was a vibrator. This is further solidified when Kukuri draws sexual pictures, causing Kakeru to question Yuka the meaning of them. During the Pink Night, Kakeru's power is shown to have been altered, allow him to see anyone with just their underwear on. Kakeru also seems to show a degree of lust towards Yuka, as he regularly looks at her legs. Similarly, Yuka hints at wanting to be sexually active with Kakeru, as shown by her allowance towards Kakeru looking at her underwear. In the Hot Springs, Kakeru is told by Shiori that he should be able to find who's world they were in by using his Eye of Aeon. When he activates his eye, all the water around Yuka disappears, signifying she was the owner. Before anyone can react however, a wall of water submerges everyone. When the water disappears, all of the girls' swimsuits have disappeared. Yuka screams causing her power to activate and a light flashes before everyone. When things settled, they look at Kakeru and Takahisa, who have both turned into girls. Kukuri is shown at the end saying Kakeru lived happily ever after as a woman. Same Voice Actors