Akira Fudou 不動明
Height 182 cm
Akira is a shy, soft spoken, and somewhat cowardly teen. His father has recently went to work in America so he is currently living with his friend Miki's family. He hasn't seen his best friend Ryo in over a month since moving in with Miki's family. When they reunite he is in for a big surprise that will forever change him, his life, and all of mankind.
Devilman is Akira Fudo after he merged with Amon in order to save mankind from the demons. While he usually stays in his human form, he turns into Devilman when he needs to fight seriously. Akira still retains his human heart after he becomes Devilman, meaning he can feel love and empathy unlike demons, but his personality changes drastically as a result of the merge. Same Voice Actors