Sheena Fujibayashi 藤林しいな
Sheena is a beautiful woman from the flourishing world of Tethe'alla. She is originally sent to Sylvarant by the Pope and the King with orders to assassinate Colette, but events cause her to end up joining the party instead. Sheena is tough but kindhearted, and is always accompanied by Corrine, a man-made Summon Spirit. She's also the person Zelos loves to flirt with most, but she usually manages to rebuff him.
At the age of nine, Sheena ventured to the Temple of Lightning with people from Mizuho in order to form a pact with Volt, the Summon Spirit of Lightning.
In some ways, Sheena is a stereotypical teenager, switching between refusing to admit her feelings and trying hard to do so. She has a constant irritation with Zelos, as there are mentions of past conflicts. Sheena is a fair melee fighter, and fights using magic-infused cards.
(Source: Wikipedia)