Zelos Wilder ゼロス・ワイルダー
Height 179 cm (5'10")
Weapon Sword, Dagger
Zelos is the Chosen One from Tethe'alla. He is rarely serious and acts as a comic relief for the group, always ready to cheer the party up at heavy-hearted moments. Quite the ladies' man (one of his possible titles is called _Gigolo_, which he gets by speaking to every female character in the world, while another, _Casanova_, can be received by his being in a party with three female characters), he has the ability to charm every woman he sees, who in turn give him gifts (the player will be able to take this advantage in the game). Zelos is quite handsome, and approaches most situations hoping to meet or impress any pretty girls nearby. He takes almost every opportunity to hit on his female team members, much to their annoyance, especially given the nicknames he gives them. He gets along poorly with Genis, whom he considers a brat.
However, he is actually quite perceptive, and can be surprisingly sensitive at times.