Jabber Wonger ジャバー・ウォンガー
Affiliation Vandals
Height 183 cm
Jinki Mankira
Jabber is an antagonist of Gachiakuta and a Giver. He is a member of the Vandals, a criminal group of givers, and is said to be psychotic. He also has a love for battle, which dominates his characters. With his love for battle, he is usually seen entering a fight with a wide grin and only acknowledges those that are strong. He is also a masochist, being labeled as a "super masochist" by Rudo.
Jabber's main weapon is his set of 10 rings which is his Jinki, Mankira. It is unknown if they are 10 separate jinki or all part of one jinki, however, he often uses them as blades to slice things up easily and grip onto things.