Mikoto Yoroi 鎧衣美琴
Height 156 cm (5' 2")
Nationality Japanese
Affiliation Hakuryo Hiiragi Class 3-B, United Nations Army Flight A207-B
Position Blast Guard
TSF Type-77 Gekishin, Type-97 Fubuki, Type-94 Shiranui
Takeru's gender-ambiguous best friend and Valgern-On partner in 3-B. The people around him consider him to be male. Mikoto is very friendly, but he has a bad habit of not paying attention to conversations, instead ignoring and veering off in whatever direction he wants, a habit he learned from father. Him and his father share a great deal of personality traits, but seem to have a bit of a bizarre relationship.
In Alternative, Mikoto is a member of Flight A207's B Squad, best known for her unrivaled survival skills and constant optimism and cheer. However, there's a big difference. She wears a female uniform and has a more feminine name (美琴). She's extremely self-conscious about her femininity in this world, especially her chest size, and wants to be viewed as a woman even though she's androgynous in appearance, which Takeru struggles with since he knew her as male.