Kotarou Fuuma 風魔小太郎
➢Kanji Translation: Soaring Hurricane ➢Weapon: Dual Ninjatō ➢Element: Wind ➢Faction: Hōjō Army (SB), Matsunaga Army (SB2) ➢Major battles: •Kotarō vs Shingen (Lose) •Kotarō vs Sasuke & Kasuga (Indefinite) Fuuma Kotaro is the "Legendary Shinobi" of Sengoku Basara, hired by Hojo Ujimasa and then works to Matsunaga Hisahide. By killing anyone who sees him, he is able to remain a legend. He tends to work as a mercenary for the highest bidder. He is depicted as a man who never talks, but takes action immediately and never leaves any survivors.