Anko Koshi 虎視餡子
Grade 1st Year
Position "Self-Proclaimed Sister Caretaker" of the Deer Club
Anko is a new student at Hino Minami High School, the 3rd official member of the Deer Club, and the younger sister of Torako Koshi. She is best known for her sister complex towards their older sibling; being highly obsessed with everything regarding her sister and making it her personal life goal to be always by her sister's side 24/7, much to the latter's dismay and embarrassment. She will not hesitate to try and outright assassinate anyone who goes as far as to even just stand within near proximity of Koshitan, typically having a dark and sinister aura whenever somebody starts to act all chummy with them. Anko is also known to be adept at arming herself with her collection of kunai when faced with possible "threats" and in setting traps in her victims' surroundings.
The only time she has made an exception to anyone else getting close to her sister was when she tried killing Noko Shikanoko, only to see, much to her surprise, that her sister deeply cares for Nokotan. Thus, she decided that someone else, for once, was also worthy of supporting Koshitan as well, just as long as it was together.