Neko Nekoyamada 猫山田根子
Height 132 cm
Grade 3rd Year
Positions Vice President of the Student Council, Honorary Member of the Deer Club
Neko Nekoyamada is a student at Hino Minami High School, and the self-proclaimed rival of the Deer Club. She is very catlike, both in appearance with her hair stylized into neat cat ear-like cones, and in personality with wanting to be praised and seen as superior by her fellow classmates. Due to her always being outshined by both Torako Koshi and the Deer Club's extreme popularity, Neko has the goal to discover Koshitan's weakness and overthrow her, and to get the deer club disbanded, so she can finally be in the spotlight and become the President of the Student Council.
She is known to be hot-headed and competitive and likes to be organized and get work done in the student council, tending to do a lot of work. She is easily influenced by praise, completely forgetting her goal in mind and becoming very happy and gloatful about it. She also seems to be one of the only other characters than Koshitan that is put off by the unpredictability of Noko Shikanoko and frequently confused at the shenanigans they cause. Neko is also extremely attached to Tsuchi despite her initial fear of them, and often displays motherly qualities when thinking about them. She also owns a personal stepstool, in order to help compensate for her noticeably short height.