Azusa Fuyutsuki 冬月あずさ
A beautiful female teacher who is the heroine of the series. Unlike Onizuka, she led a relatively normal life, graduating from Waseda University. Her quiet manner and moderate ideas are misleading as she proves to be very tough on her own sometimes scaring even Onizuka. To prepare him for the test which would determine his teaching career, she prepares a mountain of jelly with eyes of Maguro tuna fish as fruits and imposes an impossibly tough schedule that would have killed anyone or drove them mad. Her field of teaching is Kokugo or Japanese language (English in the Live Action). She, not that surprisingly, falls in love with Onizuka, but as both are quite reluctant to admit their feelings and show them in the open they claim that they are just "friends". It's not really a major matter to anyone else except Suguru Teshigawara, who finds it most aggravating that a woman with her qualifications would fall in love with one with such a crude background as Onizuka. She has difficulty with the female students in her class due to all the boys in her class having crushes on her but brings them around fairly quickly after Onizuka's advice. She has a younger sister named Makoto.