Arakune アラクネ
A black blob-like creature with a white mask who formerly worked alongside Kokonoe, Tager and Litchi in 7th Agency. He was formerly a human named Lotte “Roy” Carmine. After an attempt to study the Boundary, due to his inferiority complex over Kokonoe’s genius, he became what he is today, now housing innumerable insects within his grotesque body and thriving on knowledge. His horrible condition has rendered him virtually insane and lacking any reliable memory, as well as distorting his speech to near incoherency – most of his dialogue consists of gibberish, insane laughter and tortured screaming – but it seems that Litchi and Kokonoe can understand his speech.
He had a hard time remembering Litchi when he was human, but slowly regained memories of his life, and started to remember Kokonoe and Relius, the latter being hated by Arakune. In BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, as his story goes on, he suddenly has moments of coherency, whereupon he remembers who he really is and is able to speak clearly to others. As of BlazBlue: Chronophantasma, Arakune has regained the ability of speaking understandable sentences, but is still insane due to his condition.
Same Voice Actors