Najimi Ajimu 安心院なじみ
Najimi Ajimu, or Anshin'in as she prefers to be called, has existed for over 3 trillion years before the universe was even created, and 3,402,193,822,311 years by the time of the series. Unlike Pluses like Kurokami Medaka who see themselves above normals, or Minuses like Misogi Kumagawa who see themselves below normals, Anshin'in belongs to an ideology she calls "Not Equals". Anshin'in and the other Not Equal, Hanten Shiranui, do not see themselves as above or below humanity, but rather see humanity as something that cannot begin to be compared with them, thus being "not equal" to them.
Anshin'in comes off as cold and calculated, always having the upper hand in any confrontation she appears in. This is due to her absurdly expansive arsenal of abilities. She holds 7,932,135,441,523,222 Abnormalities and 4,925,916,526,110,643 Minuses. This gives her 12,858,051,967,633,865 different skills to use. Her skills are classified into ten categories (Sword, Martial Arts, Magic, Mental, Biological, Boss, Gun, Ninja, Protagonist, and Miscellaneous) and include almost every conceivable power one can have, many with very open-ended limits. One such example "Alibi Block", allows Anshin'in to appear wherever she wishes, whether that be to the next rooftop, behind a character, in someone's dreams, or even hell itself should she wish it.
Anshin'in is the chief architect of both the Test Tube Plan and the Flask Plan, which seek to create a perfect human, a seemingly impossible task. Three years before the series, while attending Hakobune Middle School to observe the first human she had expectations for, Misogi Kumagawa, she and Hanten Shiranui were sealed by him through the use of his minus, Book Maker, which strips people of their power and reduces them to Kumagawa's level. While sealed, she had little use of her more fantastical powers, but could still use simple ones such as Alibi Block. She frequently used this to appear in Kumagawa's dreams and mind in order to speak with him. She was able to bargain with Kumagawa to give up his minus in exchange for a new one called "Hundred Gauntlets", which he later developed into "All Fiction". As Kumagawa began to change for the better due to his defeat at the hands of Kurokami Medaka, the seal which took the form of screws on her body began to vanish, and she transferred into Hakoniwa Academy to continue the Flask Plan.
Kurokami Medaka's Successor Arc
Jet Black Bride Arc
Unknown Shiranui Arc