Kenji Natsume 夏目健二
Height 178 cm
Tobi's history is fairly tragic in that he was forced to persevere through incredibly tough times in the past. His passion for the game of basketball is so high that no one can understand it. His skills with the ball are top level naturally gifted; his ball control, dribble, and his jump shoot are next the level. After his father died he and his sister went to live with a foster family, but he never approved his stepfather. He was always fighting and was never happy after his parent death. The ball that he carries always with him was a present of his father for his birthday. He never actually received the gift from his father but instead from the people that found his body three days before his birthday. He would fight with anyone for maltreating his ball. He loves his sister very much and she is the only supporter he believes in. He promised her that he would win the state championship just for her.
He entered in the team after Sora's continuing pursuit and dedication and through the understanding of the other teammates. Note: Kenji's appearance is strikingly resembles the real life NBA player Allen Iverson which Kenji seems to be based off of, especially noted with Allen Iverson type shooting sleeves and tattoos but most of all the trademark hair which are cornrows and when Kenji is not playing (just like Iverson) his has hair is undone.He also has amazing handles and explodes to the basket with great speed which is also how Iverson played. However all of this is not a surprise since the author is a fan of the NBA player, which can be obvious when he shows a picture of his Allen Iverson poster on his wall in the first volume of the manga.
Same Voice Actors