Sakura サクラ
[Spoilers may follow]
Original Timeline
In Syaoran's flashback, it is revealed that he gave his name to Sakura as "Li Syaoran", the same name as his father. It is also revealed that Sakura's mother was Nadeshiko, and that Fujitaka was Sakura's father, not Clow Reed. In chapter 191, Syaoran tells Sakura that she looks exactly like his mother (Clone Sakura) and shares the same name as his mother as well, to which Sakura responds "But.. My name..", thus hinting that, like Syaoran, Sakura is not her real name.
An emphasis seems to be put on how "Syaoran" and Sakura cannot touch. Due to the cleansing before her birthday, Sakura is not able to be touched. At the beginning of Tsubasa - in the tube, "Syaoran" and Sakura are separated by glass; not able to touch. However, cover of volume 23 and the splash page of chapter 183 has them holding hands.
At the end of chapter 193, Sakura takes "Syaoran" up to the top of the castle, to show him the stars. Her eyes suddenly go blank, and her body rises up in the air - she hears the sound of bells coming from the ruins (like chapter 1). In chapter 194, a page is shown of what Sakura is seeing in the future, which includes "Syaoran" running towards her desperately in the ruins. Returning back to the present, "Syaoran"'s running figure is reflected in her eyes (she is still seeing the future); and she screams out "SYAORAN!!". Sakura falls down suddenly, to "Syaoran"'s horror. She tells him it is too dangerous, and to stay back; although Syaoran does not know what it could be that is dangerous.
"Syaoran" is aware that something bad is going to happen on the 7th day, and has been granted permission to go to the cleansing grounds with Sakura on that day; in order to protect her. The cleansing grounds have permitted his presence, so he is able to enter - even though nobody else (not even the priest) is allowed in the 7th day.
During the seventh day, Syaoran enters the Ruins with Sakura, who seems to remember nothing of the previous night's vision. When inside the Ruins, Fei Wong opens a rift and attempts to abduct Sakura, but the water protects her. Syaoran runs towards Sakura, yelling at her to open her eyes, before screaming "SAKURA!!" as he had in the vision. Sakura then states her true name is not "Sakura": "But... my real name is...". Syaoran reaches for her, but stops, knowing Sakura is still in the middle of her purification. Sakura is then swallowed by the black mass. When the mass parts, Sakura is shown to have a seal in the shape of wings engraved - when this seal reaches full-size, Sakura will die. Syaoran attacks Fei Wong but is defeated before being returned to his dimension. Sakura sees him when he returns seven days later. It is revealed that only Syaoran and Nadeshiko can see the seal engraved on her. Syaoran vows to find a way to remove the seal.
Seven years go by, with the seal growing bigger each year. In events that mirror the first chapter, Syaoran returns from another country after failing to find a way to remove Sakura's seal. Sakura visits and talks with Syaoran before returning to the palace, saying that she will tell him what she wants to say on her birthday.
On her birthday, everyone assembles inside the Ruins for Sakura's "coming of age" ceremony. On her 14th, Syaoran wishes Sakura a happy birthday when the seal engulfs her completely. Nadeshiko stops time and "dies" doing so. Syaoran's wish to go back to the seventh day to grab her hand is granted afterward by Fei Wong, creating Watanuki in the process, unfolding every events that followed.
Her real name was revealed in the end to be Tsubasa and that she is the original Sakura.