Togepy トゲピー
Togepy is a small, light yellow Pokémon with a round body that is still encased in its eggshell. Togepy does not shed its shell. The Egg has red and blue shapes on it. Togepy has stubby hands and round feet with two toes each. Togepy has black eyes and five spikes on its head that seem to form a crown. It also has semi-oval, brown pads on the soles of its feet.
Togepy is able to release poison from the spikes on its head. The anime has shown that it can retract into its shell, which it usually does to sleep. It is able to siphon the positive energy of others, and then release it to those in need of it. It has a very joyful nature. As a result, it is said that it shares its joy with those who take care of it. Because of its disposition, Togepy is seen as a sign of good luck, especially if a Trainer is capable of getting a sleeping Togepy to stand. It is also shown in the anime that Togepy can act very maliciously at times, causing havoc and bad luck to its enemies. Although it is rare in the wild, Togepy can most commonly be found living within the forests.
(Source: Bulbapedia)