Hiroshi Sasaoka 佐々岡浩志
A salesman for the sports equipment company “Adriex”. One of his jobs is to recruit Japan’s top student athletes to study abroad and train in the United States, for which all expenses are paid by his company. He also happens to be Yuka’s crush from high school, but, much to her displeasure, he still treats her like a younger sister. In the latest chapters, his company is transferring him back to the United States for the next 5 to 6 years. Before leaving, Yuka finally convinces him of her feelings for him. Unfortunately, the relationship is not possible because he is engaged to be married next year. When home making his wedding preparations, he was contacted by Suzuka about any employment opportunities for Yamato. He states their is an opening in an affiliate company and he would be willing to give him a recommendation. (Wikipedia)