Nikka Katajainen ニッカ・エドワーディン・カタヤイネン
Height 160 cm
Affiliation Suomus Air Force 24th, Squadron 3rd Company
Team 502nd Joint Fighter Wing
Rank Flight Sergeant
Weapon MG42
Familiar Snow weasel / Ermine
Nikka Edvardine Katajainen is a witch of the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing, originating from Suomus. She is based on Finnish ace Nils Katajainen. After graduation, she was appointed Flight Sergeant and assigned to the 3rd Company of the 24th Squadron, an elite unit of the Suomus Air Force. As Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen is also a member of this squadron, the two are fellow squadron members. Although she shot down a Neuroi on her first sortie, she was hit and the engine got damaged and crashed while returning to the base. One of the causes is her strong fighting spirit and her fighting style being continuous attacks with no regard for shields.
In 1943, she was invited to the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing and became known as the "Break Witches" along with Waltrud Krupinski and Kanno Naoe due to often damaging their striker units.
Nikka is something of a tomboy, bearing a boyish appearance and often an unladylike manner. She was once something of a delinquent, which has since eased somewhat with the influence of her close friends. She possesses a very exacting personality which usually splits any situation into right or wrong. While not stupid, she is relatively guileless and often distracted.
She has a strong desire to do her best to protect her hometown and works hard, but her character is too straightforward and this often makes her attitude worse. She is bright and social, but in some situations, she cannot read the atmosphere of the place.