Leone レオーネ
Height 170cm (5'7)
Leone is one of the older members of the assassination group, Night Raid. She has a very relaxed and a cheerful personality, which tends to display a lack of ladylike manners, such as shoving Tatsumi into her breasts, putting her feet on the table, or consuming large amounts of Sake. She serves as a sort of big sister figure to Tatsumi and the younger members in Night Raid, often referring to herself as "Onee-San". Despite the morally dodgy nature, she can sometimes display, Leone is not one to tolerate injustice and can be especially vicious to those who commit the vilest acts. She excels at gathering information and exercising calm judgement when necessary.
Her teigu is Lionel, a teigu is in the form of a belt, when activated, it enhanced her speed, reflexes, strength, and regeneration, as well as giving her animal-like characteristics.