Mirai 未来
Guardian Pit Viper
Height 150 cm
Mirai is short-tempered and has a pathological hatred of being ignored. She will go to extreme lengths to make her presence known. Although she desperately wants to be seen as an adult, she often act childishly. She also has a severe case of breast envy and can get agitated around those bustier than her, but is unafraid to mock other girls with flat chests, like Ryoubi. Despite this, Mirai is quite the opposite of what she outwardly displays.
Due to a history of being bullied prior to enrolling in Hebijo Clandestine Academy, Mirai suffers from low self-esteem and is actually very timid and deathly afraid of what others think about her. At times where she feels mistreated, she runs away in a panic and tries to hide. She has also developed a coping mechanism for this; having random outbursts and yelling at others for treating her a certain way.
Mirai cares very much for her comrades as they have gone out of their way to make her feel that she belongs. She feels especially close to Haruka and Homura--Haruka being the ideal, proper lady she wishes to become; and Homura as an older sisterlike role model.
She fights using various firearms hidden in her dress in addition to her umbrella.