Shougo Makishima 槙島聖護
A humanist on the dark side who is hopelessly in love with cruelty, savagery, and all the worst aspects of human nature. A born evangelist, he possesses both uncommon charisma and a true gift for narrative. Makishima has quite a unique personality. He likes books a lot, as shown in his tendency to quote from famous literature.
Makishima was the mastermind behind the many cases the Public Safety Bureau are investigating, including the one that led Shinya to become demoted to Enforcer. Despite his murderous intent, his hue has always been pure white.Spoiler
According to Kogami, Makishima's pure Psycho-Pass is the result of having suffered hardships in his early life and that being "unrecognized" by Sibyl left Makishima feeling invisible, which may have triggered his single-minded goal of taking down the Sibyl System. Makishima, on the other hand, believes that isolation made him stronger. Same Voice Actors