Takashi Yamazaki 山崎貴史
Grade: 4th - 6th
Takashi Yamazaki is a student in Sakura Kinomoto's class, and the only male student in the class to be referred to by name before the introduction of Syaoran Li. The character is named after film director, Takashi Yamazaki, who is a friend of the series creators, CLAMP. Throughout the series, Yamazaki's defining trait is his ability to fabricate highly detailed fake stories and histories about practically any subject. While most of his classmates see through these fabrications, Sakura and Syaoran often believe them.
Fellow classmate Chiharu Mihara often interrupts his stories so others know when he is lying, and proceeds to punish him for lying by pretending to strangle him or by dragging him away by his collar. While the two often seem to be arguing, they are actually a couple and have known one another since kindergarten. She is the only girl in the series that he addresses by her first name.
In the Cardcaptors English adaptation, all hints of his relationship with Chiharu are removed. Instead, they are said to be cousins and the Chiharu's joking strangling of Yamazaki is considered to be sibling rivalry.