Silva シルバ
Member of the Patch Tribe, a tribe of Shaman's who craft "Oracle Bells", which are used as a kind of com-link to the gods. He is the Patch officiant responsible for overlooking Asakura Yoh, "Wooden Sword" Ryu, and—after Chrom's death—Tao Ren as well. Unlike most of the Patch Priests who just oversee the fights, to make sure they are following the rules, Silva believes that the Patch Priests should intervene more in the fights, to avoid the massive death count fights leads to.
Silva has five guardian ghosts in total, who are luminous totems and combines them to his body to use in battle:
Silver Sheild the Turtle - He is often seen talking reason.
Silver Wing the Eagle - Appears rather arrogant. Says that human spirits cannot form an Over Soul because of their large ego.
Silver Horn the Buffalo - He rarely talks and stutters a lot.
Silver Rod the Snake - In the anime series, it is revealed she is a female.
Silver Tail the Coyote - He usually just agrees with the other spirits.