Boingo ボインゴ
Boingo is a young Stand User whose Stand is Tohth. As part of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods, he attempts to assassinate the Joestar Group in Egypt alongside his older brother Oingo and later Hol Horse. Boingo is a young child of ordinary build, but his characteristics include an unusually large mouth and a large afro held together by a topless cap, leaving a few stray hair locks. His attire consists of a bright shirt and trousers over which he wears shorts and a jacket, plus a coat and simple shoes.
Tohth is an Artificial Non-Humanoid Stand that takes the form of a manga. The book, titled, Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure, will show predictions of the future. When an image appears, the prediction(s) then become fate and are destined to come to fruition. However, nobody, not even Boingo, can control the Image projected onto Tohth.