Alex Stewart アレックス・カンドリ・スチュワート
Nationality: Gran Mexico Mars Ranking: #12 Height: 186 cm Weight: 77 kg Surgery Base: Harpia (Type of Bird) Eye Color: Gold Favorite Food: Pizza Dislikes: Owners who don't tame their dogs, and those dogs (Aries) Talent: Catching photoshopped images on DVD covers, etc Moved to his father's hometown in northern Gran Mexico at age 7, following his mother's death and met Marcos there. Has greatly admire major leaguers ever since he saw one of their games with his parents. Worked as paper boy when he was 12 years old, but made only meager wages. Joined the Annex Project for Sheila and to get his American citizenship. Throws with his right hand and bats with his left
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