Tatara タタラ
A direct subordinate of the One-Eyed King and one of Aogiri Tree's leaders. He was a former member of the Chinese ghoul organization Chi She Lian.
As one of the Aogiri Tree leaders and a trusted subordinate working under the One-Eyed King, Tatara comes off as a rather loyal individual. He is portrayed as composed and stoic mostly. He often monitors the activities of the Aogiri executives, but kills in cold-blood when embarking on a mission. He is also proud of his immense stamina when fighting and the accuracy of his calculations as well. Tatara seems to have a taste for precision; as shown when he turns down Kaneki considering he's an artificial one-eyed ghoul. He appears to hold a grudge against Houji, to the extent that even the Quinque associated with him, is enough to make him enraged and lose his near unflappable composure.
As the second-in-command of Aogiri, it can be inferred that he is quite powerful.