Chieri Ogata 緒方智絵里
Height 153 cm
Hometown Mie Prefecture, Japan
Shy with a gentle heart, Chieri is an easily stressed but hardworking young girl. Starting off feeling unfit to be an idol, Chieri suffers from a case of social anxiety not wanting to draw attention to herself. She wanted to change this by becoming an idol and changing her weak-willed self. Mustering up all the courage she could, she auditioned to be an idol. She collects four-leaf clovers for luck as a result of a childhood memory. Possessing a warm heart, she always wishes for other people's happiness. Because of her clover collecting hobby, Chieri has come to be strongly associated with four-leaf clovers and they make a large appearance in many of her official cards and are incorporated into many of her stage and casual outfits.