Atalanta アタランテ
Archer of "Red" ("赤"のアーチャー, "Aka" no Āchā) is the Archer-class Servant of Rottweil Berzinsky of the Red Faction in the Great Holy Grail War of Fate/Apocrypha. Shirou Kotomine assumes command over her before she even meets her Master, and through his machinations, he later officially becomes Archer's Master.
Archer's True Name is Atalanta (アタランテ, Atarante), a famous huntress known as the Chaste Huntress (純潔の狩人, Junketsu no Karyūdo) that appears in Greek Mythology. She is a huntress who is famous for her swift feet in Ancient Greek legend. She became famous after being the first one to drive an arrow into the Calydonian Boar during its extermination. Also, she is included as a member of the Argonauts, which assembled brave heroes from all over Greece. She has the tragic past of being born as the daughter of a king of a certain country and yet being abandoned in the mountains by her father.
Atalanta was born as the daughter of King Iasus of Arcadia. However, although she was born in and as the princess of the natural paradise, Atalanta ended up being abandoned in the forests and on the mountains immediately she was born as she was shunned by her father - who desired a son. But she survived thanks to the divine protection from Artemis, a virgin goddess who felt pity for her. Artemis sent and made a female bear, a sacred beast of the goddess, nurture the girl by giving her milk and raising her up. In gratitude, Atalanta is a fervent follower of ArtemisSpoiler
During the final battle in Great Holy Grail War of Fate/Apocrypha, Atalanta faces Ruler who she still blames for the death of the children that make up Jack the Ripper. She activates her personal Noble Phantasm, Agrius Metamorphosis, which not only transforms her into a monstrous version of herself, but increases her physical abilities. Ruler expresses pure disgust at Atalanta for discarding her heroic side and reducing herself to a rabid monster. Same Voice Actors